Currently only two databases (Polish Nouns 1.0 - Part 1 and Italian Verbs 1.2.4) exist. This program is mainly dedicated to people who want to create the initial databases for the further distribution or personal use.
I hope that databases for other languages using this template program will arrive soon.
The program prompts you to open the Database at the startup. If there is no database available you should click Cancel in the standard open file dialog and when you are asked if you want to create the new database click OK.
When you develop the database then please make a regular backup of the database files. The crash of your Mac can damage (very rarely) the currently opened database.
If you have any questions, please ask:
Jacek Iwanski.
Version history:
1.2 -> 1.2.3
• added support for importing text files,
• increased the number of stems to 6,
• corrected the manual,
• other small improvements...
1.2.3 -> 1.2.4
• added support for "defective" words,
• added support for exporting groups contents,
1.2.4 -> 1.2.9
• added support for reflexive verbs,
• exporting and importing enhancements,
• "examination support" is moved to another application,